RecycloBekia is an electronic waste recycling company based in Egypt and serving the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It is the first company in the Arab world offering green recycling of electronic waste and safe data destruction services.
Recyclobekia aims to lead the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) through a quantum leap in the culture of e-waste recycling. Through our well-run business, we partner with the private sector and individuals to enable you to establish a green footprint. With us, you can continue enjoying the benefits of modern technology without negatively impacting region’s environment.
Recyclobekia aims to lead the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) through a quantum leap in the culture of e-waste recycling. Through our well-run business, we partner with the private sector and individuals to enable you to establish a green footprint. With us, you can continue enjoying the benefits of modern technology without negatively impacting region’s environment.
- Floor 16, Malaco Alimar International Tower, Building 13 A, Courniche El Nil, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt