Unilever Group operates in the sectors of food, home care and personal hygiene under the name ELAIS-Unilever Hellas SA. As part of Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan, many sustainable initiatives have been undertaken in Greece. In Greece, these initiatives are implemented with tomato growers in Gastouni Ilias. This is an initiative that is part of the Unilever global action plan for sustainability. In this context and in order to enhance the sustainability of local production, Elais Unilever Hellas launched in 2011 a program for sustainable tomato cultivation in Gastouni Ilias, which deals with the production of Pummaro factory reserves in the region.This initiative involves 100 farmers who cultivate about 65,000 hectares and produce 45 000 tonnes of tomatoes. The company educates and informs farmers on the use of good agricultural practices in growing tomatoes and the importance of environmental protection. Agronomists Group leads on a daily basis producers on issues like the correct timing and proper watering duration using soil moisture meters (Hygrometers) and taking into account the weather conditions and the needs of farming in water. http://www.unilever.gr/ +30 21 0630 4500 Kymis Ave. & Seneka 10, 145 64 Kifisia Greece
Through the program, and for producers to use the best agricultural practices, farmers are trained and updated individually and in organized seminars. The company supplies and selects tomato seeds that thrive in the area and have high quantitative and qualitative characteristics. At the same time, in each growing period new varieties of tomatoes are tested, working with producers to improve the quality and produce excellent products Pummaro and Knorr.