Fornelia Ltd has developed a line of high-efficiency, affordable solar cookers that can be used as an alternative to solid fuels, natural gas or electricity. One of them Fornelia Mini is a parabolic portable solar cooker that measures 60cm x 20cm x 50cm and weighs 10kg. It resembles a suitcase and is easy to operate in locations such as the balconies of apartment buildings, picnic areas, and remote, rural areas. It achieves cooking temperatures that range between 100℃ – 220℃ and can be deliberately adjusted to the desired temperature. This results in cooking times that are comparable to gas or electric stoves. The Fornelia Mini combines the valuable features of high-performance, portability, longevity and affordability while providing a sustainable energy alternative to the use of solid fuels, thereby contributing towards the vision of eliminating the environmental and health impacts and increasing the quality of life for the 3 billion people who rely on solid fuels for cooking.
- (+357) 99 646782
- Energy Technologies
- Tarsou 47A, 2363, Agios Dometios