Demetra Socratous is a Drama facilitator (MA Drama and Theater in Education, University of Warwick, 2007), primary school teacher (University of Cyprus, 2005), a youth leader and active volunteer in socio-cultural organizations and groups. She facilitates Drama and non-formal education workshops for adults, children, young people, parents and teachers on intercultural, peace education, human rights, emotional literacy and active citizenship. She organises performances, street theatre events, and artistic festivals. She directs children’s performances, is an active storyteller, coordinates and she facilitates bi-communal projects and workshops. Since September 2013 she is the co-coordinator of the Cyprus Youth Network of the European Cultural Parliament (ECP YN). She was the Coordinator of the Youth and Culture Workshop of Pafos2017 supporting and promoting the candidacy of Pafos as a European Capital of Culture. ‘A Portrait of Demetra’, a short film on her volunteer work was posted on the ‘European Year of Volunteering 2011’ European website. She received the ‘Social Contribution Award’ for her volunteering activities during her studies in the University of Cyprus (Nicosia Rotary Club, 2005). She has been writing stories, children’s tales and poetry since 2001. ‘Mary and the White Pea’ was her first published children’s book. Demetra was distinguished and awarded prizes for her work in children literature, song and poetry writing: July 2016: Her poem ‘Dreams Nostrums’ receives praise in the 5th National Poetry Contest ‘Kesarios Dapontes’ June 2016: She receives 1st Award for the poetry collection ‘Truths, dreams and peace’ in the Contest in memory of Evgenia Paleologou Petronda of the Cyprus Board on Books for Young People June 2016: Her poem ‘Flower of Forgetfulness’ excelled in the Delphic Poetry Contest of the Greek Union of Writers (European Cultural Centre Delphi) February 2008: She receives 1st Prize in the 17th Cypriot Music Competition (CyBC, Song ‘Eplanepses me Mana mu’, lyrics).
- (+357) 96 219921
- Civil Society
- Education & Research
- Paphos